Join us and let’s fight for a better future

We are excited about transforming the employment services and mutual obligations system to better support job seekers in finding meaningful employment.

We're committed to ensuring public servants have the whistleblower protections they need to confidently speak out against any wrongdoing.

We’re advocating for public service work to be done by public servants, not tax dodging consultants.

Together, we are determined to restore a frank and fearless public service that stands ready to support individuals when they need it the most.

Join Proud to be Public today and be part of the movement for a stronger public service.

Bring back the CES

Take action and sign the petition now

CSIRO is under threat

workers at CSIRO are being cut, with indications that they may be slashed by one third. Sign the petition to stop the cuts

People before profits

Let’s get dodgy consultants and contractors out of the public service. SIgn the petition now